DINWIDDIE COUNTY, Va. – Kristen Elmore is still shaken up after her daughter was on board the Dinwiddie County school bus that overturned Thursday morning.
“It just kind of sends you in a whirlwind. You don't know which way is up,” said Elmore. “All you know is you need to get to your child.”
Her daughter, Autumn was one of the 32 Sutherland Elementary School students taken to an area hospital after the crash.
“It appears that while most of the children escaped with minor bumps and bruises, there was one fractured arm,” according to a Dinwiddie County Schools spokesperson.
Autumn suffered minor injuries and was treated at Southside Regional Medical Center. She described how the bus flipped over saying she was scared.

Kristen Elmore and Autumn
The driver, Linda C. Moss, 67, has been charged with reckless driving.
However, what scares Elmore is the fact that she says she told the school about her concerns with Moss months ago.
“The way she was turning that bus and getting so close to the deep ditches on our road… I told Mr. Tucker she's cutting it mighty close and if she hits the ditch she's going to flip,” said Elmore.
Edward Tucker is the director of transportation for Dinwiddie County Public Schools.
Elmore said she also made a formal complaint to the assistant superintendent’s office.
The school system said they could not comment on parent complaints but said they do investigate all complaints.
Moss was previously charged with reckless driving for a 2013 bus crash, but those charges were later dismissed. In that crash, Moss crashed into the woods and hit a tree.
A Dinwiddie school spokesperson confirms Moss is on administrative leave and will be until the investigation into the single-vehicle crash is complete -- which is standard procedure.
The spokesperson says Moss will only come back pending outcome of investigation.
While it still concerns Elmore, she said she believes the school handled the situation well.
Moss has been employed with the school system since September 2011, according to Dinwiddie director of transportation Edward Tucker.