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Man with ‘Trump 2020’ sign banned by Disney … again

Posted 3:19 AM, Nov 14, 2018

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. – Disney has banned Dion Cini from company properties for, once again, displaying pro-President Trump messages, according to WFTV.

Back in September, Cini lost his annual pass for unfurling a giant Donald Trump flag at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom.

The 49-year-old New Yorker told the local news station that he’d had it for 24 years.

Disney recently contacted Cini and took him off the blacklist, he said. He, in turn, agreed that he would not hang any more flags — and he didn’t.

Instead, he held a “Trump 2020” sign for a photo on Splash Mountain, as well as a “Keep America Great!” sign on the Expedition Everest ride.

Now, he’s been re-banned from all Walt Disney World properties, which includes the theme parks and resorts.

“I wanted to actually abide by their rules, and not hold up a flag to incite a crowd, but I kind of wanted to test them,” Cini told WFTV. “I just really wanted to find out whether or not it had to do with unfurling a flag, or what was written on the flag.”

Disney rules prohibit “unauthorized events, demonstrations or speeches, or the usage of any flag, banner or sign for commercial purposes, or to incite a crowd.”

While it’s unclear if Disney will ever allow Cini back, he seems interested in going for a three-peat.

He posted to Facebook on Tuesday, “Banned twice. Thrice?”

“I do things differently,” he told the The Washington Post. “I do things that will go viral to support the president. I’m trying to let other Trump supporters know that you don’t have to go to rallies. You can do this on your own.”

Newsweek reports that Cini has pulled similar stunts at the Broadway musical “Frozen” and at Yankee Stadium.