HENRICO COUNTY, Va. – Authorities said two vehicles were broken into in the parking lot of a Henrico County church during Sunday services.
Mark Poland was leading worship at Sandston Baptist Church when someone broke into two cars while the whole congregation was in the sanctuary.
Poland said they have several members who keep a watchful eye to protect worshipers on sunday mornings.
But no one spotted the person or people who busted in two car windows to steal a purse and a laptop at some point between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m.
Henrico Police said no arrests have been made in the case and that they are looking for suspects.

Sandston Baptist Church
“We told our folks at second service: be careful. You’ve got a responsibility to hide your items; don’t be a target,” Poland said.
Poland wishes whoever decided to smash windows in a church parking lot could have instead thought twice about where they were.
“I would hope that it was somebody who really needed something, but there are ways to do this,” Poland said. “We’re certainly open to offer assistance whenever we can. It might have been better if they just asked us.”
broken into at Sandston Baptist Church
If you have information that could help detectives, call Crime Stoppers at 804-780-1000 or http://www.7801000.com. You can also submit tips to GUN250 about persons illegally possessing guns by texting Crime Stoppers at 274637, then using keyword “GUN250” followed by your tip. Rewards up to $250. Both Crime Stoppers methods are anonymous.
This is a developing story, so anyone with more information can submit a news tip here.