FORT LEE – In September, seven Afghanistan students were considered absent without leave.
The seven were taking part in the international military student program and were stationed at five different Army posts across the country.
Fort Lee was one of the posts, in addition to four others.
The Afghan military student disappeared from Fort Lee during Labor Day Weekend.
He wasn't the only one to be listed as AWOL that weekend. There were also two visiting students at Fort Benning, Georgia and one from Little Rock Arkansas who disappeared.
Then two weeks later, during the weekend of Sept. 17 and 18, two Afghan military students from Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and one from Fort Gordon, Georgia were also listed.
A total of seven Afghan military students were given AWOL status in September.

A map of the locations were students went AWOL.
"Very concerning, with the State of Affairs with this country currently,” said Lou Smith.
The International Military Student Program trains Allied soldiers and helps to build a better relationship between them and the U.S. military.
"Sounds like not coincidence to me,” Smith said.
“There's not that much coincidence in this country,” said Roy Cox.
Some concerned citizens think there is a plan underway.
“I think it's something working, I just don't know what it is but I do believe there is something going on,” said Edward Inge."I'm very concerned about it."
Others echoed that last sentiment.
"I'm very concerned,” said Cindy Inge. “I'm concerned for our safety.”
Last December two Afghan Airman in Georgia went AWOL, and one of them was found a few weeks later, in Virginia.
Media accounts show more than two dozen Afghan military trainees have gone AWOL in the last decade.
The Department of Homeland Security in a statement released to CBS 6.
"ICE Homeland Security Investigations is aware of the situation and is actively working to locate these individuals in coordination with the State Department and the Department of Defense. Specific details regarding these activities are not available due to the ongoing investigation."