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Puppets Off Broad Street Winter Puppetfest


RICHMOND: Puppets Off Broad Street - RVA Winter Puppetfest with 12 performances at Richmond Triangle Players. Applause Unlimited and Barefoot Puppet Theatre are joined by Crabgrass Puppets from Battleboro, Vermont. Performances include their adaptation of "Velveteen Rabbit",  "Little Red and the Gingerbread Man" and "The Princess, the Pea and the Pirate."

Performances are December 26 - 30 and January 1 at 10:30am & 1pm except for December 27  at 1pm & 3:30pm at Richmond Triangle Players, 1300 Altamont Avenue in Scotts Addition. For more information visit call 804-852-2810. Tickets are $10.

Firehouse Theatre "The Fourth Wall" a play by A.R. Gurney running through January 31, 2016, for tickets and more information visit or call 804-346-8113.