FOND DU LAC, Wisc. — True love conquers all, but sometimes it needs a little help. A Fond du Lac man who spent nearly 56 years with his wife, didn’t want to let her memory go. Bud Caldwell, 82, has a routine that he sticks to every single day. He drives to Lakeside Park, rain or shine, and he visits the bench he bought and dedicated to his wife Betty after she passed away two years ago. While he’s there, Bud tells Betty about what’s going on in his life and leaves a daisy and a penny. The two mementos are left in tribute to two of their favorite songs together, “Pennies from Heaven” and “Daisy a day”.

Bud Caldwell, 82, has a routine that he sticks to every single day.
“It felt like the natural thing to do,” Caldwell said.
A few weeks ago it snowed in Fond du Lac and the path Bud takes to Betty was covered in snow. Bud tried to make his way through the snow in a previous year and fell; this winter he didn’t want to risk it. So, he sat in his car and spoke to Betty instead, that is until two Fond du Lac Parks employees noticed his routine.
Jerrod Ebert and Kevin Schultz got shovels and cleared the path for Bud. The gesture brought them both to tears, but Ebert and Schultz couldn’t bare to see Bud not be able to leave his daisy and penny.
“We have to make sure he can get to his bench and talk to his wife,” Ebert said.
Bud said that Ebert and Schultz have vowed to keep the path clear all winter for him. So, as long as he can, Bud will leave his daisy and penny for Betty.