HOPEWELL, Va. -- Witnesses saw a man land on the street below the Route 10 bridge on Riverside Ave., on the Hopewell side, around 2:17 p.m. Wednesday.
Right now, police said it is unclear if the man jumped, fell, or was struck, but they're still investigating.
The individual is hospitalized at John Randolph, with life-threatening injuries.
Multiple sources told CBS 6 that the man had a John Randolph ID bracelet laying beside him on the street.
Sources said he had been a patient at John Randolph that day in the ER and walked out without being discharged.
Sources also said that the hospital was unaware that he left.
CBS 6 reached out to the hospital regarding this alleged incident.
A spokeswoman for the hospital said due to patient confidentiality, they are unable to provide information.
Hopewell Police are still investigating.