HANOVER COUNTY, Va. -- It's a miracle that Grayson Kirby is alive and well after he was thrown from a car at the Mid-Atlantic Power Festival in Ruckersville just over two months ago.
"I'm just bewildered at how much of a miracle it has been that I'm here and well," Kirby said.
Kirby and his family now count their blessings every day.
Karen Kirby thought her son had died on June 7. In fact, he was dead when he arrived at University of Virginia Medical Center.
Doctors had little hope that Kirby would survive because the accident crushed his lungs, ribs and nearly every bone in his body. The machines that Kirby was hooked up to were the only things keeping him alive.
"I was given a less than five percent chance to live," Kirby said. "If I lived I was going to suffer brain trauma."
But Kirby's family and friends did not give up hope. They formed a Facebook page asking everyone to pray for him. Then the prayers turned into dozens of fundraisers.
"Lots of prayers," Michelle Ciucci, a family friend and hairdresser, said. "His Facebook page had like 8,600 followers and they've all prayed hard for him."
Sheldan Ciucci told his mother that he wanted to help the Kirby family.
"I told her I wanted to do a lemonade stand to see how much money we would get and we pretty much got a lot," Ciucci said.
The haircut fundraisers were added to cupcake sales , quilts, t-shirts and handbags all to raise funds and inspire hope.
"Just the support that everybody has given to Grayson and his family, it's just amazing," family friends Candice Pelter said.
The community of faith worked Kirby's family said. He opened his eyes on June 17 -- a few days after Father's Day.
Soon after, he mouthed the words, "I love you," to his father. And from that point on the family knew Kirby was going to be OK.
Kirby was transferred to Sheltering Arms Hospital in Hanover after leaving UVA Medical Center and is expected to make a full recovery.
He hopes to be back working on the family farm with his father soon.

Kirby told CBS 6 reporter and anchor Tracy Sears that he is thankful for the support and prayers.
"We always knew he was special, we didn't know he was so special to so many others," Karen Kirby said.
Doctors said they could not explain Grayson's miraculous recovery and planned to study his case.