

Father says quick thinking by school district saved 15-year-old

Posted 10:50 PM, Sep 12, 2012
and last updated 11:11 PM, Sep 12, 2012

By Wayne Covil and Kathlynn Stone

PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY, Va. (WTVR) - Luis Rodriguez believes a new state law may have saved his teenage son's life and wants other parents to protect their children.

Last Friday, 15-year-old Luis Rodriguez Jr. was having an allergic reaction to a bee sting while riding the school bus home.

Prince George County Schools Health Services Coordinator Teresa Isom received the call about the situation, realized the bus was near her office, grabbed a pack of Epi Pens and raced to the bus.

Isom said the first Epi Pen did not improve his symptoms, so a second dose was given.

"If it wasn't because of that, it could have been worse," said Rodriguez.

An ambulance arrived to take Luis to the emergency room.

Friday evening while the family was leaving the hospital, doctors said it's important  they keep an Epi Pen at home in case Luis is ever stung again. And the tenth grader now keeps one in his back pack, too.

Rodriguez Sr. says every parent should take that advice seriously.

Public Schools across the Commonwealth also want parents to understand they need to take the steps necessary to protect their children.

The new law requires schools in Virginia to have a stock of Epi Pens to protect students that have an unknown allergic reaction.

"If parents know that their child has a history of allergic reaction, they still should be providing that information from the physician with doctor's orders and the medication required," said Isom.