RICHMOND, Va. -- Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, more than 800,000 Virginians have filed for unemployment, with those in the low-wage sector being hit the hardest.
Getting those workers retrained for jobs in higher growth sectors is a key component to recovery.
As part of our Rebound Richmond series, Glenn Youngkin spoke with Bill Fitzgerald about the Virginia Ready Initiative, a program to get the unemployed ready to restart their careers.
The program is a partnership between more than 20 of the Commonwealth’s largest employers and the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), and helps incentivize unemployed workers to earn credentials for in-demand jobs in high-growth sectors.
VA Ready Scholars earn a credential in one of the selected programs through FastForward at VCCS institutions. Upon achieving their credential, VA Ready Scholars receive a $1,000 Credential Achievement Award and are offered opportunities to interview with VA Ready’s business partners.
Youngkin said the program fills a growing gap in the labor force, with low wage workers being left further behind.
“It makes sense to focus training and education workers for Virginia’s dynamic sectors like technology, healthcare and the skilled trades where employers expect thousands of job openings in the coming years,” said Youngkin.
If you would like to sign up, or simply learn more, click here.
Virginia Together: The Rebound Richmond campaign is here to help. Find information on who is hiring, investigations into unemployment payment issues, financial advice on making ends meet, and mental health advice on managing the pressures. These stories will be featured often on CBS 6 News and can be found by clicking this link.