
Broken air conditioning leaves residents desperate for solution: 'All we ask for is some relief'

Broken air conditioning leaves residents desperate for solution: 'All we ask for is some relief'

RICHMOND, Va. -- The hot weather this summer is not only uncomfortable but can also be dangerous.

One disabled senior citizen who lives at the Churchill House Apartments told the Problem Solvers that the building has been without air conditioning for several days.

They claim that management isn't doing anything to help keep residents cool until the issue gets fixed.

"It's terrible. The heat is unbearable, it's sickening," Emma, one resident said.

For almost three days, Rose Madison said that she and other residents at the apartments in Richmond's Union Hill neighborhood have been without central air conditioning in their units since Friday.

"I haven't had no air before they just went out. And I've been complaining with no help," Madison said.

The housing unit is specifically for seniors and those with disabilities.

"People that need oxygen, people got COPD, like me, myself. You know you got people that have bronchitis, you have all kinds of illnesses," Madison said.

As a five-year resident, Madison said this isn't the first time they have been without air. She said she worries about the health and safety of everyone living there.

"You see my ankle swelling right now. I'm not even supposed to be outside, I'm bedridden. I'm supposed to be in bed. Yesterday it swole so big, now my doctor said I have to go to rehab because I cannot be in this hot house," Madison said.

In fact, Madison said she'd rather sit outside in the shade than be inside of her home.

"It's like you say, I mean, you can see, but it's the majority of people out here rather than in their own apartments," Madison.

She said that she hasn't heard anything from management about repairs.

"And they said they don't even know when the pieces may come in, sometime this week or early next week. So who knows when the air is going to come back on?"

Before CBS6 was asked to leave the property, we asked the property manager about the AC issues. She said she couldn't comment and would reach out with an update.

However, residents say they continue to plead with management for something to be done now.

"All we asked for is some relief, all we ask for is some help. I'm raising my voice for the ones who are afraid to raise their voice and I'm raising my voice for the ones that's coming after me."

CBS6 reached out to both the apartment owners and the council person for the district and are still waiting to hear back.