On-AirVirginia This Morning


Save the Date: The Derby Day Party


RICHMOND, Va. -- Save the date for May 6th! That’s when People Reaching Out to the Community (PROC) Foundation, Inc. is hosting its annual Derby Day Party.

Get ready for big hats, colorful dresses and bow ties!

This is the seventh year for the outdoor event. There will be live music, games, vendors, catering by Mama J’s and an outdoor cigar lounge. They’ll also be showing the horse race on TV.

Organizers say it’s a party with a purpose. This is PROC Foundation, Inc.’s biggest fundraising event of the year. They host events for senior citizens, prepare young men with social and financial skills and provide scholarships to HBCUs, among other things.

The event is taking place at Bon Secours Training Center from 4 to 9 p.m. Doors open at 3:30 p.m.

Kentucky Derby attire is suggested!

Click here for ticket information.