On-AirVirginia This Morning


Save the Date: M4K Richmond's 20th growing season

Posted 2:13 PM, Oct 21, 2022

RICHMOND, Va. -- Save the date for Nov. 2. That's the kickoff for Mustaches for Kids (M4K) Richmond's 20th growing season!

Each year, participants have the goal of improving the quality of life for local children through fundraising, partnering with local charities and businesses and having a little bit of fun with facial hair!

During the “growing season,” which spans November and December, the volunteers sprout some pretty sweet mustaches.

They get together at weekly events and at the end of the season, celebrate with a ‘Stache Bash.

To mark two decades, M4K Richmond is aiming to make this year the biggest and best yet by supporting 20 local children’s charities with their efforts.

“Over the 20 years, we’re very proud of the fact that we’ve been able to raise a little over $3 million to support local children’s charities,” said M4K Richmond Board of Directors member Ben Keefer. “Last year, we had about 200 participants raise a little over $600,000. This year, we’re hoping to do even more.”

Click here to learn more about how to participate or donate to M4K Richmond.