On-AirVirginia This Morning


French cheese tasting with Truckle Cheesemongers


RICHMOND, Va. -- Maggie Bradshaw, owner of Truckle Cheesemongers Cheese Bar, stopped by to preview her upcoming event tied to All Henrico Reads.

She’ll host a French cheese tasting for the community!

She gave Bill and Amy a taste test and shared the history of several cheeses.

Now it’s your turn to try! The French cheese tasting for the community is happening Thursday, March 20 from 6 to 7:30pm at Libbie Mill Library. Click here to register. (Registration opens at 6pm on Thursday, March 6.)

And click here for a full list of upcoming AHR events, including an evening with Ruth Reichl, author of The Paris Novel on March 27.

Click here to visit Truckle Cheesemongers Cheese Bar’s website.