RICHMOND, Va. -- Saturday marked the last day of in-person early voting in Virginia before Election Day on Tuesday and many voters across the Commonwealth showed up to cast their ballot.
“Just wanted to get it done and beat the crowd," Richmond voter Chanda Mosley said.

Keith Balmer, who serves has the registrar for Richmond, said hundreds came out to vote Saturday at the Richmond Registrar's Office, with record turnouts.
“Yesterday we had 1,800 that came out to vote for the City of Richmond, which is the highest we’ve had so far for this election cycle," Balmer said.
He said by the time early voting is done, the city will have had over 24,000 early voters.
“It’s showing us here in elections that people are excited for the opportunity to cast their ballot early," Balmer said.

Over in Chesterfield, you needed to bring patience along with your ID.
“We’ve had lines here at the registrar’s office pretty much all day," Chesterfield Registrar Constance Hargrove said.
They saw their biggest turnout of the early voting cycle, come on the last day.
"We did over 1,600 yesterday here and courthouse did over 1,600. So assuming, [today] we may reach that 2,000 mark hopefully," Hargrove said.

As voters cast their ballots, key issues remain at forefront of their mind. For some it was clear, while others were still on the fence.
“My biggest concern is the COVID issues and how it's addressed and implemented throughout the city and throughout the state to make sure that the citizens of Virginia are safe," Mosley said.
“I just want the right people to get in," Juan Rojas added. "By right, I mean the people who are going to be looking into the benefits for all of us and not just certain people.”

Roger Williams said said he was "on the fence" when he cast his ballot.
“Everybody on both sides, you got different things that are pro and con," Williams said. "But you got to decide what’s best for you or what’s best for your family and how you view things."
Polls in Virginia will be open on Election Day, Tuesday. Nov. 2, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
CBS 6 has a guide to the 2021 elections that can be found here.
A list of new laws in effect in 2021 can be found here.
Key Dates and Deadlines in Virginia
Friday, Sept. 17: Early, In-Person Voting Begins
Thursday, Oct. 12: Voter Registration Deadline
Friday, Oct. 22: Request Absentee/Mail-In Ballot Deadline
Saturday, Oct. 30: Early, In-Person Voting Ends
Tuesday, Nov. 2 is Election Day: In-Person Voting from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 2: Absentee/Mail-In Postmark by Date
Friday, Nov. 5: Absentee/Mail-In Delivered By Date