

Ohio restaurant socially distancing with shower curtain partitions


It’s been nearly two months since Ohio Governor Mike DeWine ordered all restaurants and bars to close their doors to dine-in customers.

“It’s been a big challenge,” Scott Shapiro said, “Nobody could’ve seen this coming.”

At Twisted Citrus in North Canton, strange-looking social distancing measures are in place for the restaurant’s reopening on May 21.

The Shapiro family installed 11 vinyl shower curtain dividers throughout the restaurant. The devices are suspended from the ceiling and will allow customers to stay separated from families they are not dining with.

Kim Shapiro said the curtains would be cleaned with disinfectant between customers.

“Comply with the guidelines that were set forth and give guests a way that they can still feel comfortable dining with us,” Kim Shapiro said.

Small business owners nationwide have taken notice.

“I have been contacted by restaurants in at least a dozen states just over the week asking me to take close-up shots,” Kim Shapiro said. “Where did I get the items? How did I do that?”

WEWS's Emily Hamilton originially reported this story.