RICHMOND, Va. — The WTVR CBS 6 team is celebrating after winning 19 awards, including the the prestigious Overall Excellence honor, at the 65th annual Capital Emmys held in Bethesda, Maryland, on Saturday.
The station also recently received nine Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards. Each winning entry now competes for a highly-coveted National Murrow Award.
Additionally, WTVR CBS 6 was named Outstanding News Operation of the Virginias for the second year in a row at the 2023 Associated Press Broadcasters Awards.
The South's First Television Station also received five first-place and two runner-up wins at the Virginia Association of Broadcasters annual convention.

WTVR CBS 6 earned Emmy Awards in the following categories:
Overall Excellence
Stephen Hayes, General Manager
Daytime Newcast — Medium Markets
Crime 360
Curtis Akers, Editor
Michael Bergazzi, Producer
Misti Davidson, Producer
Writer - News
“Greg McQuade - Writing: Senior Portraits, The Slingshot Maker and Mystery Letters Solved”
Greg McQuade, Writer
News Feature - Light Feature (Single Report And Multiple Reports)
"Mystery Letters in the Attic: It is definitely a love story"
Curtis Akers, Editor
Greg MQquade, Reporter
Arts/Entertainment - News (No Production Time Limit)
"Sophia Goes Big: There is a genuine honesty to her artwork"
Enza Marcy, Photographer
Greg McQuade, Reporter
Health/Medical - News (No Production Time Limit)
Stan Edwards: Improving lives through fitness
Joe Valdez, Photographer
Lane Casadonte, Reporter
Historical/Cultural - News (No Production Time Limit)
"The Fighting Editor John Mitchell, Jr.: His legacy is felt across Virginia but no one knows who he is.”
Greg McQuade, Reporter
Chesapeake Heritage - News Feature Emmy® Recipient
"Hatton Ferry Floats On: It is traveling into the past at a different pace"
Greg McQuade, Reporter
Curtis Akers, Producer
Military - News (No Production Time Limit)
The Birthplace of Taps"
Curtis Akers, Photographer
Greg McQuade, Reporter
"Wounded Combat Veteran Healing with Camera: Am I really looking at a toy?"
Greg McQuade, Reporter
Sports Story - News Feature (No Production Time Limit)
"Gowdy Gloves: Maybe this is the way I get to The Show"
Greg McQuade, Reporter
Brad Wilson, Photographer
Talent: Anchor - Weather
Zach Daniel - Composite
Zach Daniel, Meteorologist
Photographer: News - Single Shift
Brad's Composite
Brad Wilson, Photographer
Photographer: News - No Production Time Limit
For Lindsay
Curtis Akers, Photographer
Editor: News - No Production Time Limit
For Lindsay
Curtis Akers, Editor
Promotion: News Promotion - Topical (Single Spot)
Reopen the Case: The Chair
David Stotts, Director
Brandy Brown, Producer
Victoria B, Photographer
Promotion: News Promotion - Image (Single Spot)
Backyard Weather All Year Long
Kaci Taylor, Graphic Artist
David Stotts, Director
Promotion: News Promotion
Crime Insider Reopen the Case
Victoria Bostic, Producer
David Stotts, Director
Brandy Brown, Producer
Promotion: Program Promotion (Single Spot)
Reopen the Case Documentary
David Stotts, Director
Brandy Brown, Producer
Victoria Bostic, Producer