RICHMOND, Va. -- On Saturday morning CBS 6 joined together with the community for the 11th annual Walk for Wishes to raise money for Make-A-Wish of Greater Virginia.
The rain didn’t stop the energy and excitement as CBS6’s Bill Fitzgerald and Tracy Sears led the event for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
It’s part of a partnership where CBS 6 gets to raise awareness and highlight stories that celebrate the thousands of wishes granted, while also helping raise money for future wishes.
Parker Plank is one of the kids who will soon get his wish. He is wrapping up his treatment and got to kick off the walk Saturday at the Kickers Stadium.

“I can’t wait to ring the bell. I’m probably going to break it," Parker shared with the crowd.
Parker said the last few months have not been easy on him emotionally and physically. He said he didn't know what was going to happen, which he said was scary.
However, he said when learning he had a wish granted it gave him something to look forward to.
“I’m grateful I get to go to Hawaii with my family and have a great time. I get to take them on an adventure because they have always taken care of me since I was battling Leukemia cancer," Parker said.
While they were soggy steps that Saturday morning, they are steps that organizers say will do so much to help so many children and families in Virginia.
“We celebrate kids with critical illnesses and how we can raise money for them to get them a wish," he said.

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