

Why aren't more Richmond Schools teachers, staff fully vaccinated against COVID-19?

Posted 7:51 PM, Mar 10, 2021
and last updated 11:36 PM, Mar 10, 2021

RICHMOND, Va. -- At least 40 percent of school staff across Virginia are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to Governor Ralph Northam. But the number of staff members for Richmond Public Schools who are fully vaccinated does not even come close to that percentage.

Twenty-three percent of Richmond Schools staff is fully vaccinated, and 52 percent has had one shot, according to spokesperson Danielle Pierce.

In Chesterfield and Henrico, the vast majority of staff members in each school system have received their second shots, according to spokesmen for each school system.

The Public Information Officer for the Richmond and Henrico Health Districts, Cat Long, said when they first started vaccinating school employees, they asked school systems in the region to send the names of employees who were working in person.

She said because Henrico had in-person learning and Richmond PS did not, Henrico had a longer list of in-person workers.

Long said they are now working with Richmond Schools to get all staff entered into the system so they can register for an appointment, and they are creating ample opportunities for Richmond Schools staff to get vaccinated.

Danielle Pierce said she anticipates all Richmond Schools staff members who want the vaccine will be fully vaccinated by the Spring.

She said the school system is "not currently tracking data on RPS staff who have declined the vaccine."