CENTRAL VIRGINIA — Thousands of law enforcement agencies across the country are coming together Tuesday night for the nation's 40th National Night Out.
Each year, departments partner with neighborhoods to host festivals, cookouts, and other fun activities to strengthen relationships between residents and law enforcement officers.
In Chesterfield, there are 100 registered block parties planned across the county. The parties support anti-crime programs in the county like Neighborhood Watch, Business Watch, Worship Watch, and Crime Solvers.
Over in Henrico, several block parties, cookouts and ice cream socials will be held across the county.
Down in Petersburg, several churches will be partnering with law enforcement to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness and support anti-crime efforts.
Several events are happening across the Richmond metro area, including a cookout hosted by Virginia Capitol Police Tuesday afternoon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Madison Building.
Joe Macenka, a spokesperson for Capitol Police, said helping foster positive relationships curbs crime.
"You don't, you don't see a police officer until there's been a car accident, or you know, someone's broken into your property or things of that nature," Macenka said. "And this gives us a chance to you know, like said standing around, you know, grab a bite to eat and you know, sharing share some share some lunch together and things like that, that nature. Ask questions."
Most of the National Night Out events start around 5 p.m.