RICHMOND, Va. -- This November, Richmonders will not just help choose a new president – but they'll also elect a new mayor. Five candidates are running to replace Mayor Levar Stoney. Each will join CBS6 individually to discuss their vision for Richmond.
Community organizer Maurice Neblett calls himself a common man going into politics.
After a moment of silence at his suggestion, Neblett explained that this election is a crucial time and is not just about a vote.
"It's about the future of our children, because this vote is going to make a great impact on the generations to come," Neblett said. "It's about transparency for us. We've started this campaign with transparency and accountability from the start, because we know how important it is to communicate and have that trust with the community."
Neblett believes there could be more transparency in Richmond's governance.
"You know, giving our community access and having a line to be able to communicate with our government," he said.
As far as improving city departments, Neblett said those with problems need to be audited and their processes reevaluated.
"As a community organizer advocating for the community members, I have seen them being turned around when they go in for services," Neblett said. "We need to open the doors back up, and that's why I want to make sure we open the doors for City Hall. I want to make sure that the community have a seat at the table."
One of Neblett's campaign focuses is closer community involvement in public safety and policing.
"It's a tough job, and I commend those officers who come in on a day to day basis to serve and protect," Neblett said. "But what we need to do is have a community formation. The community has a part in this. We want to make sure that we combine the police with community policing to increase that support and trust in our community."
Neblett said there is "room for improvement" in Richmond's schools, and that he believes revenue from the meals tax should be used to support the school system, as was initially intended.
Finally, Neblett said he supports paving roads and installing more streetlights throughout the city.
"You go down to Richmond and you want to make a turn from the median, and you don't know whether you're turning onto a curb or into a parking lot, so we need to have better lighting," Neblett said.
CBS 6 is broadcasting a Richmond Mayoral Debate in October. What questions would you like answered? Email the CBS 6 Newsroom.