
How a Virginia non-profit changed the lives of these Petersburg baristas: 'It's given me the motivation'

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Posted at 6:50 PM, Jun 26, 2024

PETERSBURG, Va. -- A new café in Petersburg is doing more than providing customers a caffeinated drink - it's really about providing some with a new life.

The Market Street Coffee House, is a new business, with employees who are also new to the world of coffee.

“If you would have told me that six months ago that I would be a barista, I would be like, what are you talking about?" said barista Erica Best.

Best and other café employees who regularly make dark cups of coffee at the coffee house have also been in a dark place themselves.

“I was on drugs and I didn’t go to probation," said barista Megan Holley, who is now on a journey to rebuild her life.

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Megan Holley

"I've struggled on and off with alcohol and drug addiction for quite some time," Best said.

After joining the Regenesis Outreach Program, Best is now set to graduate from the program in September.

"It's changed my life," Best said. "Being around a place like this, an environment like this, where you’re just constantly saturated with just good leaders and words of encouragement, it’s much easier."

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Erica Best

Holley, who is in a 12-month program, says she'll be clean for a year in July. The program is unique, as it allows pregnant women to keep their children.

“Especially them letting me keep my daughter, it’s given me the motivation to keep going and keep doing what’s right," Holley said.

Regenesis, entering its 16th year in Central Virginia, is self-sustaining itself through thrift stores, construction projects, and now coffee shops.

"All of it has that component where it gives back to the community while using the profits to fund community outreach and help people with their own crises," Director of Regenesis, Gary McReynolds said.

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Gary McReynolds

Coffee drinker Madison Cleveland says Wednesday is her 4th consecutive day supporting the coffee shop.

“I love what they stand for and I would rather come to a place like this and give them my money, especially since they are such kind people, than a chain," Cleveland said.

Regenesis has seen over 1,000 people graduate from their programs. As the coffee shop builds its brand and customer base, McReynolds says he's already working to expand Regenesis' outreach.

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