POWHATAN COUNTY, Va. -- Joy Hanes felt like she was working her life away. The Powhatan woman knew she needed a change.
This past fall, she decided to become a foster mom.
Since then, she’s welcomed three children into her home, including a teen girl and a young boy who are currently living with her.
“It has been life changing,” Hanes said. “It's been really awesome and the hardest thing I've probably ever done."

Her foster son came to her in November, and despite some challenges at school, Joy says he is thriving at home.
"He used to not like to be held or touched, you know, only on his terms. Now he wants to sit in my lap. He wants to hold my hand. He wants to cuddle and snuggle,” she said.
The child told his social worker he can't wait to take Joy’s last name.
She’s now looking into adoption and enjoying the thrill of watching him progress.
"It makes me cry because that's what every kid should have,” she said. “I don't think he knew his mom at all. I just can't even wrap my head around the kids that don't know what it's like to have a mom and dad love them and take care of them."

She said her foster daughter is a wonderful teenager who moved in recently.
“She's a great student. She's great around the house. She's just a joy to have," Hanes said. "She's very introverted, so she's the opposite of the little guy."
There is a great need for foster parents throughout the state and they need every type of household, two parents or single parents like Joy and members of the LGBTQ community.
"I think people forget what they have to offer,” Hanes said. “They don't need to give the child the world. Just a stable loving family is everything to a kid."
May marks National Foster Care Month and WTVR CBS 6 is proud to partner with JFS Connecting Hearts to help find forever families for nearly 5,000 children in Virginia in need of a home.
If you are interested in becoming a foster family now or learning more about adoption, visit www.jfsrichmond.org/connecting-hearts. Fill out a form and find answers to your questions on the site. Your family could change a child’s life forever.
Depend on CBS 6 News and WTVR.com for in-depth coverage of this important local story. Anyone with more information can email newstips@wtvr.com to send a tip.