RICHMOND, Va. -- The images people see of the war in Ukraine on social media are what some in Richmond get texted from their relatives every night.
Daria Savchenko, a now Richmond resident, is one of those people impacted. Her family had to flee from Ukraine. She said she could not stop crying for the first two weeks of the war.
“Right now if I talk to my mom, she has PTSD after hearing all the bombings. My father had to leave everything behind and escaped. He ran for his life," Savchenko said.
Savchenko said she also had a friend call her and said if something happens to her, she needs to adopt her daughter. She said the impact of the war fueled all of her emotion into finding purpose here in Richmond.
The owners of Buskey Cider in Scotts Addition partnered with her to hold a night of support and fundraising for Ukraine on Tuesday. All purchases and tips were given to World Central Kitchen to help refugees fleeing Ukraine who need food.
“The world's eyes are on Ukraine right now just like ours and we were thinking about how much need there is,” said owner Will Correll.
He said it gives people both a tangible way to talk about what’s going on and a way to donate.
Savchenko said feeling this type of support that everyone in Richmond shows to our her country helps turn around her attitude about a horrible situation. She hopes that people realize that just because the war is 5,000 miles away doesn’t mean there aren’t people in Richmond impacted.
“Come out and support. Ukrainian friends, they are not okay. But otherwise, show your love and support to our country,” she said.
The owners of Buskey Cider hope this night will have a ripple effect and hope other businesses in the area will hold similar events.