RICHMOND, Va. -- November is National Adoption Month and CBS 6 has again partnered with JFS Connecting Hearts and Virginia Kids Belong to help find every child in the Virginia foster system a loving family.
Meet 12-year-old Violet, a special needs child who enjoys listening to music, being included in the conversation, and having a routine.
Violet is primarily nonverbal, but she does have some words that she can use to ask for items that she wants.
She also uses her body Language and gestures to communicate her needs.
Violet loves to have others praise her and tell her that her hair is beautiful.
She is seeking a loving, stable family who will support her by ensuring she gets the care she deserves.
"I Belong Project" videos are a project of Virginia's Kids Belong in cooperation with America's Kids Belong.
EXPLORE MORE: Watch more A Hand to Hold video profiles on