RICHMOND, Va. -- November is National Adoption Month and CBS 6 has again partnered with JFS Connecting Hearts and Virginia Kids Belong to help find every child in the Virginia foster system a loving family.
Meet 16-year-old Maddie.
Maddie is sensitive, loving, and enjoys helping others.
"I'm good at making people laugh, I'm good at swimming, I'm good at sleeping. I'm really good at sleeping," she said.
Maddie also has an independent streak.
"I would like to learn how to make my own clothes and grow plants and survive without anyone else," she said.
Maddie is an excellent student who likes cooking, arts and crafts, and languages.
"If I could go anywhere, I would go to Brazil so I could practice my Portuguese," she said.
Her favorite holiday involves lots of friends and sweets.
"I like Halloween the most, because I get to party with my friends and eat a ton of candy and not get in trouble for it," she said.
Maddie would like to have a shark-themed birthday and is serious about her future and finding a permanent loving family.
"I hope to get into UVA, I hope to go to medical school and after I'm done with all my schooling, I hope to have a nice, big family with like three or four kids," she said.
"I Belong Project" videos are a project of Virginia's Kids Belong in cooperation with America's Kids Belong.
EXPLORE MORE: Watch more A Hand to Hold video profiles on