RICHMOND, Va. -- November is National Adoption Month and CBS 6 has again partnered with JFS Connecting Hearts and Virginia Kids Belong to help find every child in the Virginia foster system a loving family.
Meet 16-year-old Justin.
"I am funny; I actually want to have fun and actually have a family that loves me and cares about me," he said.
Justin enjoys playing sports and card games like Magic: The Gathering.
He has some ideas about fun things he'd like to do with his family.
"Maybe go on outings; maybe play Magic: The Gathering with them, or talk to them. Go outside, like if it's Fall, rake the leaves," he said.
His caregiver said Justin is funny, clever, hard-working, and a great problem solver.
"I Belong Project" videos are a project of Virginia's Kids Belong in cooperation with America's Kids Belong.
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