RICHMOND, Va. -- The health department reported 21,149 more people tested positive for COVID-19 out of the 80,107 PCR tests processed over the past week. That brings Virginia's total number of coronavirus cases to 1,933,366.
As of Friday's update, 53,680 (+249 from the Friday before) people had been hospitalized and 20,867 (+66) people had died as a result of COVID-19-related illnesses, according to updated Virginia Department of Health (VDH) data.
RELATED: COVID-19 in Virginia: 7-day positivity rate sits at 22.4%; new cases flat this week

Updated CDC Map: Masks urged for 60 Virginia localities, much of Metro Richmond
Scroll down for complete city/county-by-county breakdown of COVID-19 cases in Virginia
These localities saw the biggest jumps (100 or more) in COVID-19 cases last week (July 16-22):
Central Virginia
Chesterfield 84,631 ( +788 )
Henrico 76,224 ( +715 )
Richmond City 52,044 ( 523 )
Hanover 24,642 ( +172 )
Petersburg 8,932 ( +109 )
Hampton Roads
Virginia Beach 100,922 ( +799 )
Newport News 41,663 ( +435 )
Chesapeake 55,927 ( +415 )
Norfolk 47,185 ( +313 )
Hampton 32,147 ( +311 )
James City 17,773 ( +223 )
Suffolk 21,116 ( +219 )
Portsmouth 23,097 ( +212 )
York 11,517 ( +118 )
Northern Virginia
Fairfax 219,490 ( +2,401 )
Prince William 109,166 ( +996 )
Arlington 56,229 ( +708 )
Loudoun 82,931 ( +678 )
Alexandria 38,555 ( +503 )
Stafford 35,258 ( +307 )
Spotsylvania 30,541 ( +273 )
Additional Localities
Roanoke City 23,754 ( 235 )
Roanoke County 23,750 ( 218 )
Lynchburg 21,289 ( +206 )
Frederick 22,695 ( +191 )
Montgomery 21,220 ( +185 )
Albemarle 21,238 ( +180 )
Washington 15,047 ( +178 )
Augusta 20,714 ( +168 )
Bedford 18,723 ( +160 )
Tazewell 11,159 ( +145 )
Henry 13,496 ( +145 )
Wise 11,385 ( +142 )
Pittsylvania 15,589 ( +135 )
Charlottesville 10,862 ( +128 )
Culpeper 12,320 ( +126 )
Danville 12,255 ( +119 )
Rockingham 15,578 ( 113 )
Campbell 14,433 ( +106 )
Halifax 8,133 ( +101 )
City/County-by-County Breakdown of Cases (July 16-22)
Accomack 7,681 ( +73 )
Albemarle 21,238 ( +180 )
Alexandria 38,555 ( +503 )
Alleghany 3,691 ( +35 )
Amelia 2,926 ( +32 )
Amherst 8,062 ( +83 )
Appomattox 4,214 ( +40 )
Arlington 56,229 ( +708 )
Augusta 20,714 ( +168 )
Bath 990 ( +11 )
Bedford 18,723 ( +160 )
Bland 1,943 ( +43 )
Botetourt 8,222 ( +74 )
Bristol 4,829 ( +64 )
Brunswick 3,506 ( +28 )
Buchanan 5,129 ( +37 )
Buckingham 4,320 ( +31 )
Buena Vista City 2,172 ( +18 )
Campbell 14,433 ( +106 )
Caroline 7,673 ( +60 )
Carroll 7,396 ( +81 )
Charles City 1,286 ( +7 )
Charlotte 2,764 ( +16 )
Charlottesville 10,862 ( +128 )
Chesapeake 55,927 ( +415 )
Chesterfield 84,631 ( +788 )
Clarke 2,979 ( +31 )
Colonial Heights 5,476 ( +67 )
Covington 1,530 ( +20 )
Craig 1,180 ( +9 )
Culpeper 12,320 ( +126 )
Cumberland 1,516 ( +14 )
Danville 12,255 ( +119 )
Dickenson 3,636 ( +49 )
Dinwiddie 6,043 ( +68 )
Emporia 1,275 ( +13 )
Essex 2,422 ( +18 )
Fairfax 219,490 ( +2,401 )
Fairfax City 2,263 ( +16 )
Falls Church 2,827 ( +41 )
Fauquier 14,321 ( +87 )
Floyd 2,807 ( +20 )
Fluvanna 5,864 ( +48 )
Franklin City 2,441 ( +10 )
Franklin County 11,997 ( +99 )
Frederick 22,695 ( +191 )
Fredericksburg 6,041 ( +54 )
Galax 2,859 ( +38 )
Giles 4,390 ( +33 )
Gloucester 8,047 ( +57 )
Goochland 4,649 ( +18 )
Grayson 4,354 ( +23 )
Greene 4,435 ( +30 )
Greensville 3,548 (+ 25 )
Halifax 8,133 ( +101 )
Hampton 32,147 ( +311 )
Hanover 24,642 ( +172 )
Harrisonburg 14,262 ( +84 )
Henrico 76,224 ( +715 )
Henry 13,496 ( +145 )
Highland 410 ( +2 )
Hopewell 6,652 ( +68 )
Isle of Wight 8,068 ( +80 )
James City 17,773 ( +223 )
King and Queen 1,232 ( +17 )
King George 5,777 ( +47 )
King William 4,076 ( +47 )
Lancaster 2,020 ( +16 )
Lee 6,538 ( +44 )
Lexington 2,989 ( +22 )
Loudoun 82,931 ( +678 )
Louisa 7,479 ( +54 )
Lunenburg 2,794 ( +48 )
Lynchburg 21,289 ( +206 )
Madison 2,651 ( +17 )
Manassas City 10,168 ( +81 )
Manassas Park 4,210 ( +34 )
Martinsville 3,718 ( +25 )
Mathews 1,657 ( +10 )
Mecklenburg 6,776 ( +46 )
Middlesex 2,065 ( +23 )
Montgomery 21,220 ( +185 )
Nelson 2,843 ( +24 )
New Kent 5,182 ( +55 )
Newport News 41,663 ( +435 )
Norfolk 47,185 ( +313 )
Northampton 2,435 ( +46 )
Northumberland 2,359 ( +14 )
Norton 1,445 ( +24 )
Nottoway 4,683 ( +54 )
Orange 7,609 ( +65 )
Page 5,946 ( +40 )
Patrick 4,000 ( +39 )
Petersburg 8,932 ( +109 )
Pittsylvania 15,589 ( +135 )
Poquoson 2,585 ( +10 )
Portsmouth 23,097 ( +212 )
Powhatan 5,648 ( +40 )
Prince Edward 5,536 ( +70 )
Prince George 9,756 ( +85 )
Prince William 109,166 ( +996 )
Pulaski 8,039 ( +87 )
Radford 5,422 ( 42 )
Rappahannock 1,127 ( 6 )
Richmond City 52,044 ( 523 )
Richmond County 2,729 ( 34 )
Roanoke City 23,754 ( 235 )
Roanoke County 23,750 ( 218 )
Rockbridge 3,687 ( 40 )
Rockingham 15,578 ( 113 )
Russell 7,364 ( 62 )
Salem 6,228 ( +31 )
Scott 6,187 ( +61 )
Shenandoah 11,639 ( +90 )
Smyth 9,582 ( +89 )
Southampton 3,806 ( +56 )
Spotsylvania 30,541 ( +273 )
Stafford 35,258 ( +307 )
Staunton 6,283 ( +53 )
Suffolk 21,116 ( +219 )
Surry 1,200 ( +13 )
Sussex 2,618 ( +34 )
Tazewell 11,159 ( +145 )
Virginia Beach 100,922 ( +799 )
Warren 9,454 ( +76 )
Washington 15,047 ( +178 )
Waynesboro 6,477 ( +35 )
Westmoreland 3,521 (+ 30 )
Williamsburg 1,984 ( +16 )
Winchester 6,935 ( +70 )
Wise 11,385 ( +142 )
Wythe 8,181 ( +84 )
York 11,517 ( +118 )

Virginians age 6 months+ are eligible for COVID-19 vaccine. Go to Vaccine Finderto search for specific vaccines available near you or call 877-VAX-IN-VA (877-275-8343).
Click here for more information from the Virginia Department of Health.