RICHMOND, Va. -- As a young girl in the late 1960s, Niki Loupassi would wrap herself in a checkered tablecloth and sit in the booths of the Robin Inn while waiting for her parents, Carol and Manuel Loupassi, to close down their family restaurant for the night. By age 11 she began bussing tables there and went full-time at the Fan eatery as a teenager. By 1996, she took over ownership from her parents and has spent many of her days there since. Now, Loupassi is looking to sell the Robin Inn, after nearly 60 years under her family’s ownership. Click here to continue reading on Richmond BizSense.
Open nearly 60 years, she's looking to sell her family's Richmond restaurant

Richmond BizSense
Owner Niki Loupassi at the Robin Inn, where she’s worked since 1976.

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