RICHMOND, Va. -- Meet 16-year-old Jeremiah, who has a great sense of humor and is often described as an old soul.
Jeremiah is a walking encyclopedia of facts about planets, marine life, computers and cultures of the world.
"I want to open a Japanese restaurant. I like Japanese food," he said. "I like to watch anime, play football and video games."
Jeremiah is savvy with computers and technology. He hopes to go to college before joining the military.
"That I'm in high school and that I will keep on going to get into college and get my degree," Jeremiah said about what he is most proud of.
Family is important to Jeremiah.
"Loving, fun, tough love, I guess you could say," Jeremiah shared about his hopes for a forever family.
He hopes he finds a home that helps him stay connected to his siblings and likes to do things together.
"Play games, explore, travel," he said.
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“I Belong Project™ videos are a project of Virginia’s Kids Belong in cooperation with America’s Kids Belong.