RICHMOND, Va. -- Meet 10-year-old Cody, a fun child who will bring a smile to your face.
He has a great sense of humor and loves animals, especially horses and dogs.
Cody loves outdoor spaces where he can run, explore nature and get on his bike.
"[I like to] catch bugs, and I like to go on hikes, I like to ride my bike and I like to sit on the couch and watch TV," he said.
Cody also likes playing baseball, nerf football, and racing go-karts.
"My perfect day would be being at the beach," he said. "I would swim. I would try to search for sharks. On a boat."
Cody loves board games and watch out because he's a natural winner at whatever game he plays.
"A really fun way to celebrate my birthday is having 100 candles on the cake, and doing those things that you shoot out and shoot up and goes everywhere," he said.
If you would like to find out more about fostering or adopting one of Virginia's foster care children, scan the QR code below or visitJFS Connecting Hearts.
“I Belong Project™ videos are a project of Virginia’s Kids Belong in cooperation with America’s Kids Belong.