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Plunky Day in RVA brings musicians together to celebrate music icon's 50 years of performing in Richmond

'I'm getting older but I'm thinking of this as the first annual plan to do this at least till I'm 80'
and last updated

RICHMOND, Va. -- J. Plunky Branch's birthday and milestone celebration concert will bring some of the Richmond music legend's favorite musicians together this Friday from 5 to 10 p.m. at Kanawha Plaza.

"Mostly oldies but goodies," Plunky explained. "I have to do my sound drop. I have to do African rhythms because that was 1975. You know, so it'd be a mix of new and old."

That is a preview of the playlist for Plunky Day in RVA, a celebration reminiscent of summers past.

"That was the intent to capture something of my 50-year history here," the iconic Richmond musician said. "Kanawha Plaza in the past was a great venue for sunset concerts. And so we're replicating that with Plunky Day in RVA."

Fresh from his annual Dogwood Dell concert, Plunky is confident this will be the first of many such events.

"We've consulted with the mayor who's going to do his last proclamation of a day for a citizen for this," Plunky said. "And my team thought it would be a great idea to commemorate my activities. I'm getting older but I'm thinking of this as the first annual plan to do this at least till I'm 80."

Richmond music legend J. Plunky Branch
Richmond music legend J. Plunky Branch

Until then, the River City will celebrate with the educator, historian and musician.

"My birthday is July 20, I'll be 77 and it will be 50 years of performing in Richmond," he said. "I started back in Richmond in 1974."

Over those 50 years, Plunky's shared the stage with countless musicians, many of whom will join him on Friday.

"I've performed with 110 musicians from Richmond over these last 50 years, and several of them will be on the bill," he said. "We're going to be inviting about 50 musicians just to be in the audience who have performed with me."

Richmond music legend J. Plunky Branch
Richmond music legend J. Plunky Branch

Additionally, Desiree Roots, Rhythm from Nigeria, and Cory El, the son of Plunky's guitarist who he called a "dynamic R&B performer," will perform.

"We’re gonna have Plunky and Oneness, an extended version, that will include James Gates and Dr. Weldon Hill" he said.

Also performing will be Ghanian drummer Asente, DJ Danja Mowf and a band whose first album was released on Plunky’s Blackfire label.

"Our headliner is EU, the GoGo band from 'Da Butt' fame," Plunky explained.

Richmond music legend J. Plunky Branch
Richmond music legend J. Plunky Branch

An evening of good music and dancing, and possibly more music to come from the soon-to-be 77-year-old.

Plunky said he is working on his 27th album.

"I can say 478 songs I've written," Plunky said. "I'm aiming for 500."

The Plunky Day in RVA concert is Friday, July 19 at Kanawha Plaza and runs until 10 p.m.

Click here for information about tickets.

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