RICHMOND, Va. -- Since 2005 Sportable has had one mission in mind, "Creating opportunities. Transforming lives" and since launching has helped hundreds of Central Virginia athletes have opportunities to participate in the sports they love.
That's why CBS 6's Sean Robertson decided to head down there and surprise them for this month's CBS 6 Month of Giving with the help of Virginia Credit Union.
"I tell people all the time. I feel I have the best job in the city of Richmond," Hunter Leemon, the Chief Executive Officer for Sportable told Sean. "This is a wonderful community a great community for sports."
"For athletes that we serve a lot of times the opportunity to compete and compete at a high level is something they wouldn’t have access to without us," Hunter would continue. "So to be able to provide that but also provide that sense of community. The thing that makes sports so special, why we talk about it on Monday mornings, why we compete well beyond maybe the years where we should be competing."
Sean Robertson would then provide Hunter with a donation to the organization with a simple message, "Continue to provide this service for athletes in Central Virginia."
The CBS 6 Month of Giving made possible by Virginia Credit Union is underway. Watch for a new surprise every day in December on CBS 6 News. Have an idea about who we should surprise next, click here to email our team.