RICHMOND, Va. -- CBS 6 Gives provided gift bags to two runners who represented Comfort Zone Camp at the New York City Half Marathon on March 20.
"We are a bereavement camp for kids, kids who've experienced a significant death, the death of a parent or sibling, friend, close loved one. And we offer free weekend camp experiences. And we also do support groups," founder Lynn Hughes said. "We're here to help kids get back to being the kids."
The Richmond-based camp has a deep connection with New York City.
"We were three years old when 9/11 happened. and there were no such programs like ours at the time," she said. "So we went and created camps up there and have a presence up there for the last 20 years as well."
In addition to the gift bags, CBS 6 made a donation to the Comfort Zone Camp running team.
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