

Richmond NAACP releases statement following heated words from Councilwoman Trammell towards Stoney

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RICHMOND, Va. -- Richmond City Councilwoman Reva Trammell had harsh words Wednesday for Mayor Lavar Stoney who had just announced his 2020 budget proposal, which included raising real estate taxes, but some found her language unacceptable.

"It was an embarrassment to our City, it really was," said James J.J. Minor, President of the Richmond Branch of the NAACP.

Minor said Trammell went to far.

"Her remarks were inappropriate. You can display passion without being disrespectful," said Minor.

The NAACP sent out a statement Thursday condemning Trammell's behavior towards the Mayor and Council President, Cynthia Newbille.

"You're the one who helped say that the people don`t have to live in the city. How much money did that take away from the city? How many dollars did that take away?," Trammell said Wednesday.

Trammell was unavailable for an on-camera interview Thursday, but said over the phone that she is not wrong and doesn't plan on apologizing, even after reading the statement from the NAACP.

"That's just the way she feels. However, it did send a message to Richmond, It was a total disgrace and an embarrassment," said Minor.

Trammell said many of her constituents have called to say she was right to challenge the mayor.

Below is the full statement from the NAACP:

On Wednesday, March 6, 2019, Mayor Levar M. Stoney presented his proposed budget to City Council. Within the proposed budget, there was a call for raising Richmond’s real estate tax by nine cents and creating a 50-cent per pack cigarette tax in an effort to raise money for Richmond Public Schools and road projects. After the presentation concluded, Councilwoman Reva Trammell began a heated exchange between Mayor Levar M. Stoney and Council President, Cynthia Newbille related to potential raise in taxes. While everyone is entitled to their opinion on the proposed budget, there is a manner in which our city leaders should conduct themselves in conveying their opinions. This was not the proper forum to attempt to address questions or concerns related to line items in the budget. Moreover, such language stated by Councilwoman Reva Trammell is divisive and destructive in nature. This is not the first instance in which Councilwoman Reva Trammell has displayed language that is divisive in nature. If such language was used toward Councilwoman Reva Trammell by another colleague or the Mayor, we are certain she would not have appreciated it. The Richmond Virginia Branch NAACP is available to assist Councilwoman Reva Trammell or any other elected official with development of suitable interpersonal skills. What happened yesterday is an embarrassment and disgrace to our City. The City of Richmond can do better. The Richmond Virginia Branch NAACP will review the proposed budget in its entirety prior to making a statement on its contents.