

Three boys buy Valentine’s Day flowers for every girl, woman at middle school

Posted 3:50 AM, Feb 15, 2019

OLATHE, Kan. — Three Kansas middle school students made sure every girl and woman at their school received a special valentine on Thursday.

According to KMBC, three boys – eighth-grader Tristan Valentine, seventh-grader Kyan Rice, and sixth-grader Lincoln Holmes – used their own money to purchase flowers for all 270 girls and 70 female staff members at their middle school.  They reportedly spent hundreds of dollars.

The boys allegedly arrived to school early Thursday with buckets of carnations.

They stood by the school’s entrances, passed out flowers to every female in the building and wished them “Happy Valentine’s Day,” the news outlet reports.

“We wanted every girl to feel important and special on Valentine’s Day,” Valentine told KMBC. “We worked hard to make sure it was going to be a surprise to everybody. I only told a few friends, and the girls seemed surprised and happy.”

According to KMBC, other middle school boys told Valentine, Rice and Holmes they wished they had thought of the idea.  One boy even tried to purchase a flower from them.

“Summit Trails is a special school,” Holmes told the news outlet, “And who knows, maybe we started a new tradition here.”

The middle school principal reportedly said she “got chills seeing it happen.”  She explained it was “refreshing to see three young men go out of their way to make others feel happy” and their act provided a big boost to school spirit.