
Police pull over 141 drivers – in one night – on one Virginia road

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CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. -- Police pulled over 141 drivers along Chippenham Parkway in one night. Officers issued more than 160 summonses to speeding drivers, reckless drivers, and drivers who did not move over for stopped emergency vehicles, according to a Chesterfield Police spokesperson.

Virginia State Police, Chesterfield Police, Henrico Police, and Richmond Police took part in the one-night enforcement operation December 12 on Chippenham Parkway.

"This primary roadway that traverses Chesterfield, Richmond and Henrico is often the subject of complaints from community members about speeding and aggressive driving," the police spokesperson said. "Officers and troopers will continue these efforts on Chippenham Parkway and other major highways."

During a ride along with Chesterfield Police, CBS 6 reporter Brendan King got a first-hand look at the dangerous driving officers were looking to stop.

"[She was driving] 73 in a 55 zone," Officer First Class Robert Wilson said about one driver he pulled over. "She’s not only changing lanes, but she’s speeding when she’s doing it - that’s what causes accidents."

The joint operation came at a time when the region experienced tragic accidents involving first responders.

A Hanover firefighter was killed and others were injured in October when a truck crashed into their firetruck at an accident scene on Interstate 295.

Since then, there have been other crashes involved drivers hitting other firetrucks, police cruisers, and EMS vehicles.

"I am honestly afraid for my brothers and sisters," Chesterfield Fire and EMS Lt. Jason Elmore tweeted following one such crash. "We cannot urge you enough to #SlowDown and #MoveOver."

A sentinment echoed by Officer Wilson, who said while he loved his job, the hardest part was the toll it took on his family.

"I'm a son, soon-to-be father, husband, and every night we come out here - this job has no guarantees," he said. "Probably what's harder than being a police officer, is being married to one."



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