CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. -- November is the most dangerous month for deer-related accidents, according to Virginia Department of Transportation spokesperson Bob Spieldener.
That's because it's mating season for deer, so they are very active.
"We try to warn people to keep an eye out. Be careful on the road. Especially some of the back roads," Spieldener said.
He said a person's natural reaction to swerve to miss a deer, often does more harm than good.
"We want to make sure that folks don’t over-correct and go into the other travel lane or off the road and hit a tree. So the safest thing to do is to hit the deer unfortunately," Spieldener said.
He said deer are most active at dusk, between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., and recommended using high beams while traveling down dark back roads.
The sun was rising Monday morning when a driver in Chesterfield swerved to miss a tree and drove into a utility pole.
Old Hundred Road and Tall Hickory Drive was closed several hours Monday morning for clean up and investigation.
The driver was not seriously hurt, according to workers on scene.
How to avoid a deer-vehicle collision
Drive the speed limit or reduce your speed when you see deer-warning signs
Watch for deer between dusk and dawn, especially from October through December
Use bright headlights when appropriate
Watch for animal eyes illuminated by headlights
Maintain control of your vehicle when you see a deer to avoid veering into oncoming traffic or off the road
Always wear your seat belt