RICHMOND, Va. -- The Richmond Department of Public Works began a week-long blitz Monday to remove signs that hang -- illegally -- in public rights of way.
Sharon North, a spokesperson with the Richmond Department of Public Works, said no advertising signs of any type are permitted in public areas.
"Now we’re just making an all-out effort for an entire week to take up as many signs as we can," North said. "Of course if we’ve missed some areas, we’ll continue to grab those even after the week is over."
Neighborhood Watch signs and signs authorized by City Council are the only signs permitted to post. All other signs, she said, were posted illegally.
"We want the city to look nice. It needs to have a certain appearance -- one that we all can appreciate and be proud of -- and you can’t do that when you have all these illegal signs out," she added.
Sign violators could face a $50 per sign penalty.