

Heartbreaking photo shows man taking wife’s ashes to Valentine’s Day lunch


CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A heartbreaking photo shows a man eating lunch on Valentine’s Day with the ashes of his wife sitting across the table from him in a Texas restaurant, according to a woman’s Facebook post.

The man is seen crying with a napkin pushed against his eyes. The table is set with two plates, two sets of silverware and two glasses of wine.

Chasidy Gwaltney snapped the picture and posted it on social media Wednesday afternoon.

“I saw something today that has made me remember that we won’t always have each other to hold, talk to, love, play with or even just aggravate every now and then,” Gwaltney wrote. “This man looks like he is spending Valentine’s Day alone at first glance but that is actually his wife in that very beautiful bottle sitting on the table.”

She ended the post with a reminder to “love your sweetheart while you have the opportunity.”

The post has been shared more than 340,000 times as of Thursday evening.