DINWIDDIE COUNTY, Va. -- Nine-year-old Abraham Felder Jr. is not like many children his age.
His father called the Dinwiddie County second grader a workaholic.
"Basically, he came to me saying he wanted to work and make a little money because he wanted a dirt bike," his father Abraham Felder Sr. said.
So last summer, Abraham Jr. bought the bike -- a Yamaha 80 -- after he saved $400 that he earned working for his father sealing driveways.
"Abraham's a good kid and everybody knows he rides his dirt bike and all he likes to do is work," Felder Sr. said.

Abraham Felder Sr.
Nearly everyday since he received this bike, if he wasn't working, Abraham was riding in his yard.
That is until Sunday, June 4.
"I was looking for my dirt bike and then I went all around the house and I didn't see it so I told my Daddy and my Mama," Abraham Jr. said.
Abraham and his parents figured out someone stole the child's prized possession.
"I don't know why this had to happen to him," his father said.
Abraham Jr. said there was no reason for someone to take his bike.

Abraham Felder Jr.
"I would have let anybody use it but I don't know why they didn't ask me," the child said.
As word of the theft spread on social media, a good Samaritan reached out and donated a dirt bike to the family.
The donated bike needs some work to run properly, so little Abraham has already talked to his father about working this summer to earn money and get the bike fixed.
The Dinwiddie Sheriff's Office said deputies have investigated seven dirt bike thefts in the county since April. Three of the seven bikes have been recovered.
Two juveniles have been charged in connections to the thefts so far.
The investigation remains ongoing.