RICHMOND, Va. -- Whether it’s on the big screen, small screen or in the spotlight, actor Scott Wichmann tackles many characters-- from the Civil War to Sinatra.
“I love being on stage. It is home,” says Scott. “I worked on Lincoln with Steven Spielberg here in town which was an incredible experience.”
Scott has been performing since he was in grade school.
“I love it. I love the theater. You can go anywhere and tell any story you desire.”
But there is nothing make believe about the thespians favorite role.
Navy reservist Wichmann serves our nation on a monstrous stage. We caught up with sailor Scott during his stint on the U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower, as the aircraft carrier moved through the Atlantic Ocean off of the coast of Florida.
“For me, this is a dream come true,” Scott said. “There is nothing that can compare to being on an aircraft carrier.”
Since taking the oath eight years ago the Richmonder has served in Afghanistan and Africa.
“For me, this is a dream come true. It feels like I hit the winning lottery ticket being able to be afloat with the crew of the Ike,” says Scott.
Scott is joining the “Mighty Ike’s” media department, a group named the best in the Navy during our visit.
Scott is charged with writing and sharing stories of his fellow sailors, something he said is the most gratifying part-time job ever.
“They’re a world class organization here,” Scott said. “They do the work of some news organizations with a skeleton crew.” “They’re really good at what they do.”
The 43-year-old is humbled serving with full-time sailors.
“It is all about relationships, trust and accountability. And doing the best you can,” says Scott.
“Should they be called on; they’re ready…they’re ready to go.”
This is no dress rehearsal, and unlike in theatre, the curtain never drops on the aircraft carrier – but Scott can still find comparisons.
“It is choreography,” he said of service. “It is skill. It is precision and it’s a heck of a lot of fun.”
There is no applause here at sea; just the roar of jet engines.
“It is incredible you get to see the planes take off and land,” he said.
And to Scott that is as good as any encore.
“I think there are so many great people doing great things for our nation particularly in this service branch. If I can do something to tell their story it’s going to make me feel good.”
Scott returned from the Mighty Ike a few weeks ago. He is currently writing “The Little Engine That Could” for the Virginia Repertory Children’s Theatre. Scott is assigned to the US Fleet Forces Command Public Affairs office in Norfolk.
If you know of someone Reporter Greg McQuade should feature in his “Heroes Among Us” segment, email him here.