CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. -- Police are investigating after reports of a “hit list” and several threats made at one high school in Chesterfield County.
Tyler Dreissigacker, who is just back from a Disney trip to Florida with his Midlothian High School bandmates, came back to the news that police have been investigating alleged threats at his school.
“I don't recall hearing about any threats at school or hearing anyone talk about it,” he said.
Someone contacted WTVR CBS 6 about the alleged threats. Police confirmed they received a report that a Midlothian student made statements about having a hit list on Oct. 21.
Police investigated and said they found no credible threat, so no charges were brought.
WTVR CBS 6 contacted Chesterfield County Public Schools several times Wednesday, but the school system has yet to comment on the allegations.
A former superintendent explained why parents may not have been notified. He said it is truly a judgment call, especially if administrators believe the threats were not credible and there's nothing to report.

Chesterfield Schools
“I guess if there is a hit list, definitely... ," student Taylor Vest said. "Probably the students themselves would want to know.”
Then police said two days later on Oc. 23 they received a report that a known student may have made a threat to harm others at a Midlothian High School function.
Several students reported hearing of the threat, but none heard the student make the statement so investigators could not substantiate that it happened.
Out of an abundance of caution, extra officers attended homecoming.
“There were a lot of police officers out there, because the years before there wasn't as many. But this year there was a lot, ” Dreissigacker said.
Then one week later Oct. 30, Chesterfield police confirmed another report was made that a student threatened another student.
Police would not elaborate on if the threats were made by one student in all three incidents, but said they are still investigating.