PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY, Va. -- Virginia State Police Trooper Nathan-Michael Smith was killed in a fatal car wreck Mondaywhile responding to the aid of a fellow trooper when his cruiser veered off an I-295 exit ramp and crashed into the woods.The 27-year-old from Suffolk was a son, a husband, and a father of two children under six.
Vera Jordan, the daughter of Master Trooper Junius Walker, who was killed in the line of duty, said this will be a very tough time for Smith’s family.
"Our prayers go out to the Smith family,” said Jordan. “This is a difficult time they will face. But they will work through it."
Trooper Walker was murdered by a motorist on the side of Interstate 85 South on March 7th, 2013.
Jordan said Virginia State Police has been there for her every step of the way.
"They check on us all of the time, invite us to functions,” said Jordan. “We are in constant contact with people we would've never known if it wasn't for that tragic event."
While her dad's death is different from the car accident that killed Smith off the 295 exit ramp Monday, Jordan says there are still similarities.
"You know that your life has just changed forever and you don't know what tomorrow is going to bring," she said.
Vera Jordan is the daughter of late Master Trooper Junius Walker, who was killed in the line of duty in 2013.
Jordan said with most tragic events, "tomorrow" brings uncertainty, confusion and pain, but she said, sometimes it also brings pride.
"They put on that uniform, wear that badge and wear it proud,” Jordan said. “It doesn't matter if they served one day or 40 years; they're always family.”
Jordan said the family of Virginia State Troopers has showed her “end of watch” means never-ending compassion, something she constantly tells herself of her dad.
"I get a wink every day from my dad. I see his badge number everywhere. I feel like he whispers to me and I carry him in my heart,” said Jordan. “I feel Trooper Smith will do the same for his family, just in a different capacity."
Contributions for trooper Smith’s family can be made to the Virginia State Police Association Emergency Relief Fund.
They ask to make checks payable to the VSPA-ERF and notate "Smith" on the memo line of your check. Mail checks to VSPA at 6944 Forest Hill Ave., Richmond, VA, 23225.
Also, you can also contribute through the Emergency Relief Fund link at through Paypal. Also notate "Smith" in the note section of your Paypal contribution.