RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) – Art does not have to be confined to a museum, studio or gallery. Art can be found all over – and increasingly so in Richmond.
But a mural recently created by artist Hamilton Glass is different from most other works of art scattered around town. This mural was created with input from community members within the Highland Park neighborhood where it resides.
The idea for the mural came from VCU grad student Carson Lucarelli who was working with Highland Park board members to improve the community as part of his graduate capstone project.
Lucarelli, Glass and Boaz and Ruth director Megan Rollins met last year to discuss how to use art to inspire the people who live in Highland Park.
“This project was very interesting to me,” Glass said. “Most of my murals are either in the Arts District or in the Fan. There are not many murals in Richmond outside of the Arts District that hold a specific meaning or serve the community.”

A “before” photo of the Hamilton Glass mural in Highland Park.
As he developed the mural, Glass worked with the Highland Park Neighbors Quality of Life team, lead by Richmond City Councilwoman Ellen Robertson, and other community members who helped guide its look and feel. Volunteers from both inside and outside Highland Park helped Glass by laying down a base coat of paint. HandsOn Greater Richmond helped provide funding for the project.
Lucarelli said the purpose of the mural was to improve access to art for the improvement of the community.
“In my opinion this mural does exactly what art is suppose to do, create, inspire, and uplift,” Glass said.
The hand lifting the bird represents active community members who work to “keep Highland Park progressive and moving forward,” Glass said. “The dove and pigeon with the crowns over their head speak to the people of Highland Park.”
The mural, which started going up April 21, can be seen at 3096 Meadowbridge Rd.