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The Daily Kitchen, new Carytown restaurant, set to open soon

Posted 7:51 PM, Jul 12, 2013
and last updated 4:14 AM, Jul 13, 2013

The Daily Kitchen & Bar is set to open at 2934 W. Cary St. (Photo by Mark Robinson)

(RICHMOND BIZSENSE/Mark Robinson)–A Carytown restaurant that has been two years in the making is expected to be unveiled either on Saturday, or starting next week.

The Daily Kitchen & Bar at 2934 W. Cary St. is “definitely, probably” opening by the end of the week, said Michelle Williams, an operating partner of the Richmond Restaurant Group.

“This is by far the biggest project we’ve ever undertaken in terms of scope,” Williams said.

The restaurant has hired 70 employees, she said. Trevor Knotts, formerly of Pescados and Pomegranate, is the chef.

Click over to read the rest of the story on Richmond Biz Sense.