

Third named storm of 2013 season forms: Chantal


RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) – The third named storm of the 2013 Atlantic Basin tropical cyclone season formed late Sunday more than 800 miles east-southeast of Barbados in the Atlantic Ocean.


Tropical Storm Chantal (pronounced “shahn-TAHL”) is moving quickly for a tropical storm to the west at 26 mph to the Lesser Antilles. Tropical Storm Warnings are in effect now for Barbados, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Martinique, and Guadeloupe, all of which will experience tropical storm conditions within the next day and a half. A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect now for Saint Vincent, which could also experience tropical storm conditions within the next day.

Here is the Monday morning forecast track for Chantal:


You can see it will take all week for the system to even get close to Florida by Friday-Saturday. And by the time it gets toward the Bahamas and Florida, it could be weakening significantly as it interacts with a stalled East Coast frontal boundary. Remember, wind shear disrupts the organization of tropical systems, even though Chantal will still be over favorably warm water.

We’ll continue to keep a close eye on Chantal’s track, and you can track it, too, using our HURRICANE TRACKER TOOL.

Stay With CBS 6, We’ll Keep You Ahead of the Storm.
Meteorologist Carrie Rose
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