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Hazmat called to church of Pastor who said to kill off gays


MAIDEN, N.C. (CBS Charlotte) – A suspicious package containing white powder was sent to a church where a controversial pastor preached that gays and lesbians should be locked up behind an electrified fence to be killed off.

WBTV reports that a Providence Road Baptist Church member opened an envelope in which white powder spilled out. Hazmat teams were immediately called to the scene. The station reports that the church member was taken to a local hospital for precautionary reasons.

The incident comes one month after Pastor Charles Worley said he figured out a way to “get rid of all the lesbians and queers.”

“Build a great big, large fence – 100 miles long – put all the lesbians in there, fly over and drop some food,” Worley said during his May 13 sermon. “Do the same thing with the queers and homosexuals and have that fence electrified so they can’t get out … and in a few years they will die out.”

Worley went out to say that gays and lesbians will die off because “they can’t reproduce.”

The Catawba Valley Citizens Against Hate posted the clip of the sermon on YouTube.

“I was horrified. I was shocked,” Laura Tipton, member of the group, told CBS Charlotte at the time. “I was hurt to hear him say such horrible things about the LGBT community. Those words were absolutely horrific.”

Worley also said in the video that he will not vote for President Obama because he is a “baby killer and a homosexual lover.”

“God have mercy, it makes me puking sick,” Worley said during the sermon. “Could you imagine kissing some man?”

The church’s website says, “We offer NO apologies in believing the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.”