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Police handcuff tantrum-throwing kindergartner


(CNN) - Police in Milledgeville, Georgia handcuffed a kindergartner and took her to a police station after officers say the child threw a tantrum at school.  Authorities say 6-year-old Salecia Johnson began throwing furniture in the classroom and tearing items off the walls.

She also reportedly knocked over a shelf that injured the principal.

Officers handcuffed her after they say she couldn't be controlled by teachers or police.

The 6-year old is also being charged with simple assault and damage to property.  Family members say authorities went too far.

"She may have misbehaved, but I don't think that she actually misbehaved to the point that she should have been handcuffed and taken downtown to the police department, " said Candace Ruff, the child's aunt.

"Our policy states that any detainee transported to our station in that patrol vehicle is to the handcuffed in the back. There's not age discrimination on that rule," said Milledgeville Police Chief Dray Swicord.

According to the police report, officers tried to contact the girl's mother but weren't able to reach her, so they took her to the station.

The young girl will not have to go to court for the charges because of her age.

She has also been suspended from school until August.