PETERSBURG, Va. (WTVR) – The City of Petersburg is getting a new library. Tuesday, the Cameron Foundation approved a new $1,000,000 grant to the Petersburg Library Foundation to help cover some construction costs. This is the second seven-figure capital grant from The Cameron Foundation.
“The construction of this new library is vital to the future of this city. We know that we need concentrated efforts to grow participation in early childhood literacy opportunities and to teach youth the love of reading before they enter school,” said Handy L. Lindsey, Jr., president of The Cameron Foundation.
To date, the Petersburg Library Foundation has collected $10,028,257 of its $12,700,000 fund raising goal. In order to leverage the funds from The Cameron Foundation, the Library Foundation needs to raise $2,671,743.
In addition to supporting Petersburg public schools, the Petersburg Library Foundation said the new library will host literacy training and computer classes. The new library is designed to be nearly four times the size of the current 14,000-square foot library.
The old library, at 137 S. Sycamore Street in Petersburg, was originally built as a home. It has served as the city's library for 85 years.
The Petersburg Library Foundation hopes to break ground on the new library on April 30.
CLICK HERE: Take a virtual tour of the new Petersburg library